Dubai, UAE, 20 September 2022: Dubai Municipality is participating in the ‘Ru’ya Careers UAE Redefined’ fair, which is being held from September 20 to 22, 2022, at the Dubai World Trade Centre. The event is one of the platforms which offers job prospects, opportunities to engage with leading employers, career-focused discussions, interactive workshops, study options and higher education opportunities, training opportunities, as well as all services necessary to progress in a career.
In line with the directives of the wise leadership, the event intends to empower the Emirati youth and encourage them to undertake advanced efforts to achieve more success in their careers, as well as provide them with all the assistance in their professional and personal advancement.
By participating in the event, Dubai Municipality demonstrates its commitment towards the Emiratisation policy as well as its strategic objectives of increasing the number of Emirati employees among the Municipality's overall workforce, by implementing several innovative initiatives which help to draw talented nationals and providing requisite training and assistance.
Careers of the Future
Dubai Municipality has launched its initiative, ‘Careers of the Future’ as part of its efforts to empower the Emiratis. The initiative seeks to enrol Emirati students in various advanced specialisations and disciplines required by the Municipality and offer them several sponsorships as well as scholarships overseas.
The initiative is implemented in collaboration with the private sector in order to provide the students with training opportunities to improve their capabilities to progress in their careers. This embodies the Municipality's aim to enhance human capital as well as develop their skills and talents through extensive training and early staff preparation, which is in line with Dubai's future vision.
The specialisations offered include engineering course in 3D printing, the digital course which includes AI and data science, and the food safety course with big data analysis specialisation.
Advise Me Program
During the event, Dubai Municipality highlights its ‘Advise Me’ initiative, which aligns with the UAE vision and strategy for the objectives of the future. This initiative intends to educate high school students of the prospects and trends in the employment market as well as create awareness among students on the significance of choosing a university major that meets their academic preferences.
Through the event, the Municipality will also emphasise on its employees working in diverse fields, including all the domains of engineering, veterinary medicine, and others, along with their success stories, to highlight on the career progression prospects it offers.
‘Pioneers’ Initiative
‘Pioneers’ is another initiative launched by Dubai municipality, which focuses on fresh graduates. The initiative aims to further their growth by offering training in a variety of management and technical sectors of the Municipality's operations.
Furthermore, this initiative endeavors to enable them to fulfil the requirements of a government job, by providing sufficient trainings that help them gain experience in their fields of study, adapt to the working environment, and become well-prepared to face challenges. These fields include Corporate Support Services sector, Planning and Governance sector, Public Facilities agency, Waste and Sewerage agency, Building Regulation and Permits agency, Environment, Health, and Safety agency.
Various Specialties
In addition to their efforts, Dubai Municipality indicated that several employment opportunities in the fields of civil engineering, architecture, and mechanical engineering will be further announced.
It will also guide the participants to submit their applications through the 'Dubai careers' platform. Furthermore, Dubai Municipality will organise a workshop to guide, advise, and introduce job candidates to the fundamentals of successful in-person interviews, assisting them to achieve their ambitions.
Emiratisation is one of the key pillars at Dubai Municipality. Committed to this governmental initiative, Dubai Municipality attempts to increase the percentage of Emirati employees among its total workforces. It aims to utilise the competencies and capabilities of talents in various managerial and professional fields and provide them with all the required assistance to help them continue in their path of progress and development. As part of this, Dubai Municipality has set numerous initiatives that offer the employees extensive training at its training centre, which is equipped with the latest facilities and technologies.